Decides whether to draw the current local time beneath the FPS display. When set to 1, it will display 24 hour clock, when set to 2, it will display a 12 hour clock, with am/pm
When set to 1, will display the seconds as well on the time. Requires cg_drawTime set to either 1 or 2
The name of your current hud, which will be loaded upon startup
Put your SMG in weaponbank 2 (instead of bank 3) when you're a soldier with level 4 Heavy Weapons
Default: 1
Log centerprints and/or banners to your console
Default: 1
Scale the gun when you use different FOV
Default: 1
Hitting altfire (usually right mouse button) when holding a weapon that doesn't have an alternative fire will reload the weapon
Default: 0
When 1 the rank (for example "Private") will be shown in front of the name when you look at a player in your team. When 2 it will only show the short rank ("Pvt" for exmaple) and when 0 it won't show any rank.
Default: 1
Determines the level of transparency of the fireteam window
Default: 0.6
Determines the level of transparency of the lagometer
Default: 1.0
Determines the level of transparency of the chat texts at the bottom of your screen
Default: 0.33
Determines the level of transparency of the watermark, if the server has one. Note that the server might set a transparency themselves. In that case the watermark alpha will be the product of these transparency levels
Default: 1.0
Determines the level of transparency of the SPECTATOR text
Default: 1.0
Displays a counter in your HUD that will countdown untill a dynamite on an objective explodes. This will not spam the chat/cpm
Default: 1
The number of dynamites of your own team that will be displayed in the counter
Default: 4
The number of dynamites of your enemy that will be displayed in the counter
Default: 4
Changes Classtexts into ClassIcons
Default: 7
Draw textual HP instead of the healthbar when aiming at someone
Default: 0
Toggles automatic selection of your fireteam members
Default: 0
Changes the way damage kick occurs (the screen shake when a player gets shot).
Default: 1
Enables/disables drawing the bullet tracers:
Default: 1
Show the GeoIP country flags
Default: 3
Toggles the display of gib models.
Default: 1
format: /edithud elementName [value1] [value2] . . . . [valueX]
Current elementNames and (values) are as follows:
All items except skilltextX are part of the original ET hud. skillTextX is a textual representation of the xp levels, i.e. 0, 1, 2, 3, 4. The skill[box,pic,text] elements correspond as follows, 1 = class specific skills, 2 = battle sense, 3 = light weapons
Default scale values, where used, is 25 in the default ET hud.
upperright represents the spawn counter/game timer, clock, FPS normally displayed on the right side of the screen.
(x,y) are based on a 640 x 480 scale, regardless of the actual screen resolution that ET is running. Therefore (0,0) is upper left, (640,480) is lower right and (320, 240) is crosshairs
To disable an element entirely, set the first value to -1. Currently votefttext CANNOT be disabled
The etpub client now has the ability to automatically execute certain config (*.cfg) files upon certain events:
Executed when you join a team (or become a spectator)
Executed when the map switches to <mapname>. autoexec_default.cfg is always executed after the autoexec_<mapname>.cfg file.
Executed when you switch classes
Please note that if any of these files do not exist they simply will not be executed, there will not be any error messages
Also note that these filenames are casesensitive on linux